Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Lesson For Amerika

The NFL needs the Michael Vick type despite the NFL commissioner’s, Roger Goodell, decision to micromanage the talented athlete or implement Tony Dungy as a faith based overseer. However, Vick’s return to football shows the maturity of the Amerikan corporation or better yet, an example of what Amerikan companies need to do. After all, Amerika “the land of opportunity” has the highest rate of prisoners per capita of all countries. And if I am wrong – I will not apologize for recognizing that too many are in prison, en route to prison or on probation or parole. This is Amerika… a prison state. Yeah, it is a narco-state as well. Besides, if you do not require a tan, you have a greater chance of going to prison in the U.S. Yes, even if you speak the Queen’s English, play golf, walk without a swagger and like bland food.
Vick deserves to return to his profession and Amerika deserves to recognize the talented, educated, rehabilitated, redeemable individuals who have served time in Amerika’s gulags and returned to society to be nothing more than god-fearing, tax-paying citizens. Of course, this is what the people wanted and this is, more times than not, what the people get. So, if the justice and penal systems are being utilized to disqualify a portion of the labor pool, the judge should inform the jurors that they are possibly ruining a life that has possibly never been equipped to exercise resilience after being subjected to a system designed to strip the average being of their integrity, livelihood, intelligence, and dignity. Amerika can’t afford to continue trashing its citizens and expecting others to remain loyal. The people will soon awake and cease to give hope and change (chains) a chance.

1 comment:

  1. I think that Vick was wronged at the start.
    Damn a flea bitten dog. He should beat the asses of the so-called brothas that sold him out for a coke and a smile.
