Sunday, July 26, 2009

Skip the Gate - Go to Negro!

Lots of talk about the Harvard professor of the human race. Why is there so much focus on the professor’s inconvenience, when communities have been devastated by police brutality and racial profiling since the Black man presented a threat by simply breathing? Look, white males do go to jail and as Skip proved – they don’t stay long. What is he complaining about? His reputation is still in tact; he still has a job; and I am sure that the relationship with his wife has not diminished. C’mon! This is common Amerikan stuff! It would be nice if his status and inconvenience could bring attention to the fact that Black and Brown males are handled differently than others, but the focus seems to be on the notion that a 56% white male, who teaches at Harvard and lives in a safe neighborhood, was arrested on his own property after verbally badgering the officer who’d allegedly warned him after answering a call that someone had broken into this home. Great neighbors!
Why is Skippy even considered Black when it is obvious that he prefers to be identified as anything other than Black? Evidently, the officer did not notice that Skip wasn’t a Black man. He certainly didn’t think that he was disrespecting one of his elders. I would like to think that Mr. Gates was smart enough to identify himself, but this is rather difficult when one assumes that the arresting officer is just as intelligent (despite education or background) just because he is white.
It sad that people are surprised that an educated man, who appears to be Black but prefers to not be recognized as such, would be arrested and booked for breaking into a home in a predominantly non-Black neighborhood. Sure, the police need policing, but it was needed long before some snooty professor was awakened. ‘Hello!’ This is what we need to holla ‘bout! Talk to me!

baz moreno

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