Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Stuff!

Cassandra was truly a poor man’s dream and rich man’s wish. Pretty toes, pretty hands, a body sculpted by God and a face that one would never tire of seeing. I imagine she spent hours walking with a book on her head, because she had the sexiest sashay. It was as smooth and effortless as her beauty. Most men would swear monogamy and all the other silly things that men say and do to remove the clothes from a woman. Cassandra would be that woman that seemed to be unobtainable. And when one did get her, he would not desire any other woman.
Sir was cool as hell. Yeah, he name was Sir. Smart, spoiled and selective. He wasn’t the best looking guy and he wasn’t an athlete. But he was desired by a many girls. He knew how to talk to the girls and he dressed well. After all, his dad was the biggest preacher in the city. If nothing else, dude could talk.
The second semester of the senior year brought Cassandra and Sir together. It was obvious that they were happy. They made plans to attend college together, marry and of course, they’d spoken of how many children they wanted. Each family embraced the idea of the two being together. A match made in heaven.
As the days progressed Cassandra’s appearance began to change. She was still pretty, but she didn’t seem to care and girls that she normally ignored were now having chit chat sessions with a different Cassandra. As for Sir – he was the man. He continued doing his thang. He was maturing, so to speak and experimenting. Sir spent less time with Cassandra and more time testing the waters. Cassandra was devastated. How could any man cheat on someone so beautiful, so fine? What did she do wrong? What did she not do? Why do women think that the betrayal is their fault?
Firstly, all men do not cheat. But when they do it is normally because they wish to avoid being tied down, they fear commitment, they want to maintain the youthful fire, and surely they want to hide their emotions. The idea of new sex with a new woman in a new place excites a man. If sneaking is involved, the sex is even hotter. This doesn’t last forever, but for the most part this is it. Oh, and secondly – some men wish to avoid conflict and having a woman depend on them. Undoubtedly, some women bring more baggage and drama than most men want to handle. So, women can stop blaming themselves until they become better psychoanalysts, more improved shoppers and stop their cheating as well. Hell yeah, women cheat!

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